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Looking to Share your Microsoft Access Database online with other users?

Use our Windows Remote Desktop Servers to share your MS Access Database online with others. Quick/easy setup.

Be up and running in a few hours! With our MS Access hosted remote desktop servers each user has their own desktop and each can open the "front-end" MS Access Application to view/edit the data/tables in a shared "back-end" file. No code changes required except to split your database.

How to install your MS Access Application Database to share online on a Windows Remote Desktop Server is a simple and quick process:
  • Split your database if you have not already (You will now have 2 folders). This process enables MS Access to alert a user if the record they are changing has already been updated so they can reload it before editing and saving it (if your MS Access database is developed for multiple users). To split your database, use the Database Splitter wizard as described here: Split an Access Database.
  • Copy the 2 folders to the remote desktop server (Copy them to a folder under C:\Users\Public or another location that all users can access which should not be the protected root c: directory)
  • Now open Access by clicking on the front-end file you just copied to the server
  • You will see an error because the tables are in a new location - Click on "External Data" and --> "Linked Table Manager" select all tables and browse to the new folder location C:\Users\Public\....
That is it! You now have an Microsoft Access database each of your users can share and access online via a Windows remote desktop by clicking on the access front-end file. You no longer have to worry about hardware failure or capital investments in servers, and performance/speed is great because both the front-end and back-end are running on the same server without any network latency.

Click here for pricing calculator Access Hosting Online

**If you place your database files in a folder not under the "Public" folder you will need to change the permissions on the folders to enable all users to have the rights to execute your MS Access application/database.

Setting up a Windows Remote Desktop server to share a Microsoft Access Database online is the easiest and quickest method. You can be setup in a few hours. No code changes required.

Microsoft Access Web Apps, and MS Access Services in Office 365 and Sharepoint Online, are no longer available. See MS Access Services Retired.
We are not using Sharepoint. Using Windows Remote Desktop Services (terminal server) to share your MS Access database online is easy, can be setup in hours, and each user has their own customizable desktop with their own front-end.

Our desktops give you the full functionality of your MS Access Database Application from most all computers/devices with an internet conection. We include licensing for the Windows Server operating system, Microsoft Access and Microsoft Remote Desktop Licenses. MS Access Database Online Hosting

Click here for pricing calculator Access Hosting Online

Host your Microsoft Access Database Online in the Cloud for multi-users

You can easily move your Access 2021, Access 2019 and Access 2016 database to a cloud desktop (Remote Desktop Hosting).  Your Access Database can then be run from most any tablet or computer including windows computers which have the Remote Desktop Client (RDP) or on an Apple IOS computer by installing the remote desktop client. 

With Riptide's Windows Remote Desktop Servers your MS Access database is hosted on a dedicated Windows Server environment that you control and not on a sharepoint deployment. You can also install other applications such as Microsoft Office and Accounting Software as well as store and share company documents on our Remote Desktop Servers.

Riptide provides a full Windows RDS/Terminal Server for hosting your MS Access application in the cloud (rather than a Sharepoint hosted option).  Both your front-end and back-end Microsoft Access Application are online on the same remote server which provides great application performance and speed for your users.

Install your MS Access application One Time for all users to have access online.

You only install your Microsoft Access Database once on the server for all of the users on the server.  This simplifies adding a new employee or user who needs to access the database as well as upgrading the access database since it is only installed once on the hosted server.

Install and run other programs in addition to your Access Database (included)

We offer you more than just Microsoft Access online. In addition to MS Access you can also save files and install other programs you would like to host online in the cloud.  This makes it very convenient to access your programs from any computer, share files, print to a local printer.  When you host your Microsoft Access Database online you can easily work from home or any place where you have an internet connection. You laptop or tablet give you full access to all the programs and files you have loaded on the remote desktop server.

Best Performance for your Microsoft Access Database with Desktop Hosting

Access 2024, Microsoft Access 2021, MS Access 2019 will all run on Remote Desktop Hosting Servers (formerly called Terminal Servers) giving you access anytime you are online.  Running your access front end and backend database online makes for a very fast and responsive user experience.  This is because the data doesn't move between the server and your computer, only the pixels for your screen.  Running the backend and front end on the same server also means you only install the front end GUI one time.

Click here for MS Access Online Hosting on a Virtual Server  (Most Common)

Here is a short Remote Desktop Server video showing how:
  • Install programs
  • Redirect printers
  • Copy files via windows explorer and clip board

Benefits of Microsoft Access Hosting  (Full Remote Desktop Environment included)

  • Share files and applications from a central server to multiple simultaneous users (Print locally)
  • Access from any device using a Remote Desktop Client – works with PCs, Macs, tablets and more.
  • Optional licensing available for Microsoft Office, Access, Excel and more.
  • High speed, redundant network for 100% power and network uptime!
  • Easy to add more user licenses or disk space as you grow. (And cheaper than the competition)

Features included with all MS Access Hosting Plans

Full Windows OS, More Storage included, Dedicated IP address
  • You get a Dedicated OS Environment to load your applications & programs. (Admin access included)
  • This is not a shared environment!   And not a Sharepoint hosted MS Access environment.
  • NO additional fee for each application installed - others charge $10 per app per month and more.
  • Compatible with PCs, Macs, tablets, and more (anything with Remote Desktop Client app)
  • Local Printing, copy files to and from the server as if it is all running on your computer.
  • No Setup Fee, Month to Month agreement – no long-term committement (We earn your business each month)
  • 24/7 phone, email support, Premium network bandwidth with 8 internet providers for 100% uptime.

  • Optional add-ons
  • Veeam full server image backup - $34 per Virtual Server (VM)– this is a backup of the full server and not only individual files or a folder. You are also free to use third party solutions such as Crashplan, Carbonite, etc. or to make local backups to your office.
  • Microsoft Office – MS Office Standard is $18 per user and Office Pro Plus is $22 per user. Stand-alone Access or Excel is available if you don’t need full Office for $9.75/user. We can provide licensing for Office 2024, 2021 or Office 2019. You may also install open source word processing or spreadsheet programs or use Word/Excel on the web for free.
  • Microsoft Access – Microsoft Access 2024, Microsoft Access 2021 or MS Access 2019 licensing is available for $9.75 per user. Microsoft Access database hosting works great on our terminal server hosting.
  • Anti-virus – Microsoft Defender is included with the Server 2025/2022/2019 Operating System. You can also load your own AV program if you wish.

CLick here for MS Access Hosting on a Virtual Server  (most common)

Click Here to price MS Access Database Hosting on a Dedicated Server

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